Accreditation reports
The typical accreditation report has many authors, and can benefit from a keen and objective editorial eye to ensure consistency, completeness, and a single voice throughout the document.
I have managed assessment activities and contributed to institutions’ reports for the following:
• NEASC (New England regional accreditor)
• SACS (southeastern regional accreditor)
• Middle States Commission on Colleges and Schools (mid-Atlantic regional accreditor)
• ABET (engineering accreditor)
I have served on accreditation visiting teams and presented at regional accreditors’ annual conferences. I can bring my editorial skills and my intimate knowledge of the higher education accreditation landscape to bear to show your institution in the best possible light.
“UNF was in the SACS ‘class’ of 2019 and had to transition to revised standards in less than eight months. Because of her knowledge of accreditation and assessment, Judy was extremely helpful with editing UNF’s self-study in this period of transition, which contributed to our successful reaffirmation with zero recommendations.”
Dr. Shawn Brayton, Director of Academic Programs and SACSCOC Liaison, University of North Florida
“You have a keen eye, Judy, and I thank you again for providing me such a wonderful professional review.”
Sam Kimball, Associate Dean, University of North Florida College of Arts & Sciences
“You did an admirable and thorough job which is very much appreciated!”
High school principal, Massachusetts