Promotion and tenure documentation

I have written my own successful P/T cases (culminating in promotion to full professor), been part of P/T committees, served as an external reviewer for others’ P/T cases, and assisted junior colleagues with their cases. I will take the time to understand your work and your campus’ requirements, to help you produce P/T documentation that makes you stand out!
“Judy has been instrumental in my becoming a better writer and researcher. Her editing has helped me refine my writing, resulting in publications in journals highly regarded in my field. Her expertise was paramount in putting together my successful early tenure packet.”
Matthew Ohlson, Associate Professor, University of North Florida
Matthew Ohlson, Associate Professor, University of North Florida
“I got my letter from the promotion committee…6-0 in favor of promotion to full professor! Thank you so much for all of your help, Judy.”
Elizabeth Gregg, Professor, University of North Florida