Developmental editing for publishers
You have a promising project under contract, but the author is having trouble prioritizing, organizing and expressing her great ideas, and you don’t have the resources in-house to shepherd the project. I will work with the author in a friendly and supportive way to get their project onto your desk in publishable form. With my intimate knowledge of higher education, I can supplement the author’s work by suggesting and evaluating resources, approaches, and ideas that substantively enhance the finished product.
Proposal and manuscript reviews
An author has submitted a book proposal or a draft manuscript, and you need a thoughtful and objective review. Is there a market? Does it appeal to its intended audience? How much work does it need? I have 38 years of experience as a higher education faculty member, faculty developer, and assessment professional at a variety of institutions, so I have insight into a wide swath of the higher education landscape. I have reviewed countless book proposals and manuscripts for publishers and for individual authors. I will provide you with prompt, detailed, insightful, and specific commentary.
“She has the ability to work from a big-picture perspective while understanding that it is the smaller details and the different pieces… that must come together in a cohesive manner to form the whole book.”
Carolyn (Dumore) Allard
Former Managing Editor, Jossey-Bass Publishers
Carolyn (Dumore) Allard
Former Managing Editor, Jossey-Bass Publishers
“She did an excellent job, and I highly recommend her services. She was a pleasure to work with for me and for the author, and the outcome is a stronger final work produced in a timely manner.”
David Brightman
Senior Managing Editor, Jossey-Bass Publishers
David Brightman
Senior Managing Editor, Jossey-Bass Publishers